We all strive to eat healthy, we all need help...
Lets talk about healthy foods ...
One of the most frequent concerns I hear about eating "clean" is - ITS HARD ... Well, it is in a way, especially if this is new for you and you try to reinvent all possible recipes you see on google. But believe it or not there is another way (as usual) to address this problem... So unless you are professional cook and/or nutrition guru I offer you considering following...
Why following your mentor is better :
- You receive information from fitness professional who got great results not only him/herself, but promote it and prove system to work with lots of other people
- You are most likely going to love the taste while keeping recommended portion sizes and ingredients and nutritional content
- You are drinking Shakeology everyday and are on Beachbody HD program. So you have way to try new yummy recipes already crafted for you
- You can plan ahead for meals and get all required ingredients ahead of time
- You know cooking time and can plan your day
- You know how your meal will look like at the end
- Your meals are balanced, reach with required nutrients and enforce your fitness journey by helping you to drive results faster and in a "smart way".
I recommend to look more deeply into nutrition guides you have with your fitness program as they have lots of good recipes. But if you want to get more - FIXATE is a perfect choice. Created by Autumn Calabrese, author and creator of 21DayFIX and 21DayFIXExtreme fitness programs, she shares her favourite recipes in the book:
- Salads
- Main courses
- Deserts
- Vegan
- Paleo
- Drinks and cocktails
In her book everyone can find lots of good choices and cook away the right way.
Ready to dive in and start your healthy cooking journey to support your workouts ? Please select "New Customer" below and complete your application. Put "FIXATE" in the cover letter. I will personally contact you and guide you on this path.