We combine elite class fitness programs and the best Superfood nutrition to bring your life to the next level.

I like my fitness routine to be in 30 mins window. This is by far the best timing. We all fight in the gym, but the main battle is in the kitchen. Check out Shakeology - a Superfood shake like no other...


All fitness programs I recommend are the ones I did myself and see the results they provide. There are lots of different exercise routines out there. By far the best for me are grown by BEACHBODY by super elite trainers.  More... 


Protein shakes and supplements are still very hot topic for people who working out. I recommend to to look on ingredients of your shake and what they do for you. You will see why I love my Shakeology and drink it every day. More...


All good programs and nutrition plans are not effective if you don't have accountability and support to push yourself every day. This is where I come in. Back2beFIT is a support group. We help and watch out for each other to stay in the game. More...

I recommend you do fitness program which is the absolute best for you ...

There are no two identical persons, hence the benefits of individual approach. 

Fitness and nutrition approaches are so different, so we customize to get best results ...

There are many different fitness programs out there, but not all of them are good, produce results and each person has to decide which one to do. This is not an easy task if you are targeting certain results and have timeline in mind to achieve them.

I personally like Team Beachbody approach to help you live better, feel better and be in shape and form you like to be.  Its done using elite fitness programs combined with best on the market nutrition, but most of all its done using coaches to guide, help and keep you motivated, so you can get results you want in time for your next vacation, wedding, celebration, trip, whatever reason you currently have.

This group is to support people like you every step of the way to get to the finish line with awesome results. Results so good, that you would like to go on and on, getting better every day, faster, stronger, happier.

I have listed programs I personally did with a team as a Challenge. This is the best way to start your fitness recovery journey. Challenge Packs provide also best value for the money while assuring you are getting the best nutrition with your fitness program. 

I want to share this exiting journey with you, and invite you to challenge yourself and see that nothing is impossible if you are committed and focused. Ready to dive in and have FUN while working out along side with amazing team who supports and motivates you every step of the way ? Click on the link below.

You can check our workout calendar on dedicated FB page.



Don't trash your hard workouts in the kitchen by eating unhealthy ...


Everybody know that huge part of your success in your fitness journey rely on proper nutrition. 

Don't settle for less than the absolute best...

My recommendation is simple - Shakeology. This is Super food shake with all natural ingredients and huge package of benefits for your health.

How natural is your shake? if it has soy, artificial flavours, artificial sweeteners and/or simply elements you can not pronounce easily - there is a good chance that you are feeding yourself with chemicals...

I am  also hearing sometimes about eating salads and greens instead of Shakeology, doing mixes and shakes from produce bought from Farmer's markets, organic etc. These products are good but you have to consider following facts :

  • Definitions of "organic" may be different from province to province, state to state. So, some chemicals may be allowed.
  • You have to know where farmer got his produce. Sometimes they resell products they did not grow, which may be even imported from Mexico or other countries. Their definition of "organic" may be big surprise for you.
  • You need to properly wash, handle and store your produce, so it does not loose its nutrition value.
  • We know that soil on our fields has lost its natural quality dramatically. To keep vegetables the same size as 25-50 years ago lots of chemicals being used while fields are "resting".
  • Don't forget about Geno-modified products which filled up stores today.

Good thing is most of Shakeology components are grown outside of industrial countries with much less impact on soil quality and picked up by hand by local farmers, dried out on the sun the same way it was done for generations. Sometimes progress brings not only benefits :) but side effects.

Here are some stats. Among 3000 daily Shakeology drinkers:

  • 93% feel healthier since started to drink it
  • 86% reported increased energy levels
  • 81% felt it helped to reduce cravings for junk food
  • 91% reported it helped improving regularity
  • 81% said it kept them full until next meal
  • 72% said it helped them to loose weight
  • 82% reported improved digestion
  • 77% said it helped them to be more focused daily
  • 74% reported improvement in mood
  • 65% cut back on coffee
  • 66% noticed healthier skin, hair and nails
  • 91% said it taste great
  • 92% believe it worth money spent
  • 97% said its a smart investment in one's health

I fully support most to the numbers above from my personal experience and drink Shakeology for over 2 years now daily. It does make me feel better. In fact I even started to take small packs with me on vacations, so I don't miss my SUPERFOOD NUTRITION while resting on the sun :)

Here is what professionals said about Shakeology:


We don't spend so much anymore on vitamins, probiotics, mineral complexes etc and our fridge is more filled with the things we enjoy. Plus even if we are on the go, we don't miss out on vegetables and salads.

As a group we do tasting of Shakeology to show and feel benefits of this amazing product. Please check our calendar for next tasting event.

Details about Shakeology Ingredients:  PDF1, PDF2  

Ready to dive in ? Click on the link below.



We all strive to eat healthy, we all need help...



Lets talk about healthy foods ...

One of the most frequent concerns I hear about eating "clean" is - ITS HARD ... Well, it is in a way, especially if this is new for you and you try to reinvent all possible recipes you see on google. But believe it or not there is another way (as usual) to address this problem... So unless you are professional cook and/or nutrition guru I offer you considering following...

Why following your mentor is better :

  • You receive information from fitness professional who got great results not only him/herself, but promote it and prove system to work with lots of other people
  • You are most likely going to love the taste while keeping recommended portion sizes and ingredients and nutritional content
  • You are drinking Shakeology everyday and are on Beachbody HD program. So you have way to try new yummy recipes already crafted for you 
  • You can plan ahead for meals and get all required ingredients ahead of time
  • You know cooking time and can plan your day
  • You know how your meal will look like at the end
  • Your meals are balanced, reach with required nutrients and enforce your fitness journey by helping you to drive results faster and in a "smart way". 

I recommend to look more deeply into nutrition guides you have with your fitness program as they have lots of good recipes. But if you want to get more - FIXATE is a perfect choice. Created by Autumn Calabrese, author and creator of 21DayFIX and 21DayFIXExtreme fitness programs, she shares her favourite recipes in the book:

  • Salads
  • Main courses
  • Deserts
  • Vegan
  • Paleo 
  • Drinks and cocktails

In her book everyone can find lots of good choices and cook away the right way. 

Ready to dive in and start your healthy cooking journey to support your workouts ? Please select "New Customer" below and complete your application. Put "FIXATE" in the cover letter. I will personally contact you and guide you on this path. 


You are not training for average results, so don't use average supplements ...
























You always want more, faster, harder, better and stronger...

There are many different supplements systems claiming to help you to achieve your dream results faster than the others. However based on recent science in order to reach this goal your 24 hour window should be divided into slots each of which would reflect either preparation for workouts and getting ready to be at peak performance, hard physical activity at peak levels, immediate recovery within your anabolic window (30 mins after workout) and long lasting recharge of your "batteries" to get strong again on the next day. 

PERFORMANCE FORMULA is targeting to address this, i.e. it's using latest science updates in fitness and health to analyze how our bodies react to nutrition intake before, during and after exercise. Don't forget recharging cycle during the night. As a result we have goal driven, results oriented supplements system allowing you to get ready, perform and adapt to new intense training while preventing muscles pain and injury.  

If you use Shakeology already, you have your daily intakes of nutrients optimized, so, now its time to prepare to turn the volume up and prepare for maximum results.

So what is it that makes this system so special?

All of these components work together to prepare and support your body optimal performance, no matter what your current fitness level is or how ambitious are your goals. Created by Harvard trained scientists and development team lead by Dr. Nima Alamdari, PhD and reviewed by Beachbody Advisory board as well as Dr. Marcus Elliott, MD, founder of the world's leading athlete performance center Peak Performance Project (P3) and Dr. Francis Stephens, PhD, a world leader in exercise physiology and performance nutrition research.

Absolutely no artificial colours, sweeteners, flavours or preservatives. Fully plant-based extracts and phytonutrients only.

Details per element:

ENERGIZE - Pre-workout:

Prepares your body to workout hard by utilizing Beta-alanine, Low-dose caffeine and Quercetin. These three key elements helps you to have better focus and delay muscles fatigue time.

Beta-Alanine is an amino acid that makes carnosine, that buffers muscles acid build up during workout, so you last longer and can push harder. Ideal for HIIT (High Intensity Interval) training.

Low-dose caffeine is extracted from green tea. It helps to enhance your energy levels due to its ergogenic nature, improve reaction time, focus and reduce fatigue. In other words your body gets mental and physical boost.

Quercetin is a phytonutrient. Latest studies shows that it helps to improve exercise performance and recovery by increasing production of mitochondria - the "powerhouse" of our cells.

HYDRATE - During workout :

Personally love this one as it helps my body to compensate for the sweat and stay hydrated during my workouts. Drinking just water during exercise is not the most effective way to stay hydrated. The perfect balance of electrolytes, carbohydrates and water make HYDRATE so much better. Most of sport drinks are hypotonic and filled with sugar, so they can even dehydrate you as they are more concentrated than your blood hence slowing down absorption process. HYDRATE on opposite is slightly hypotonic and adding to your fluids level much faster.

When you workout you sweat, evaporate and get quickly dehydrated without even noticing it. Most importantly you loose water and electrolytes. Up to 6-7 litters per day. HYDRATE is designed to compensate for this.

RECOVER - Post Workout :

Provides proper proteins and nutrients to help facilitate muscle recover and repair while helping to reduce catabolic effect (muscle breakdown). It targets muscle glycogen recovery.

It has fast, intermediate and slow release proteins (whey, pea and micellar casein protein), provides sustained supply of amino acids which serves as a building blocks for your body. Also includes branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), which promote muscles synthesis. The ratio is 2:1:1 for Leucine: Isoleucine : Valine. 

One of the main components is POMEGRANATE EXTRACT.  It is used by athletes to alleviate soreness, stiffness and overall muscle inflammation after intense workouts.

RECHARGE - Nighttime recovery :

We all know most of the recovery is done during the sleep. What is most important that you need to be in "deep sleep" to recover effectively.The key components of RECHARGE are MICELLAR CASEIN PROTEIN and TART CHERRY. First helps muscle synthesis over night and helps to recover.  Second, Anthocyanin rich cherry extract - is another phytonutrient helping naturally recover and fight inflammations while delaying muscle soreness. Both working together assure increase of endurance and recovery for athletes doing resistance training.


Helps to enhance the gains of lean muscles, muscle strength and provide benefits for endurance athletes in cycling, running and swimming.

Its takes huge role helping to increase levels of phosphocreating, which used by  ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy replenishment. Contains 100% creatine monohydrate, which is scientifically proven to be the most effective.

We need to know our supplements and how they benefits our bodies and help to reach our fitness goals. Let me know if you have questions or need more details.

By filling out the form below you can ask your questions, so I can share with you my experience of using Beachbody Performance formula.  Please start your cover letter with words "PERFORMANCE FORMULA". 


Fitness is not a destination - its a journey ...









There are tons of benefits of feeling fit, young and healthy. Unfortunately our modern hi-tech life dictates seriously stressful conditions, time limits and constraints drive people crazy and fitness and health are being pushed to least priority.

Fitness help stress management, nutrition keeps you in the game ...

My transformation started long ago and its not overnight success, but I am getting there. I know with consistency and dedication - everything is possibe.

We have lots of success in our group. General note is - we integrated workouts into our daily routine so there are no miss days. Battles in the kitchen are much harder to win ...

We track our progress on Facebook groups.

You can check here:

We play hard. Beachbody Challenge is really big fun and it helps a lot. We are your Challenge group to support help you succeed. There is also tremendous  help from the Beachbody community and other Beachbody club members through message board,  materials and training videos. You have access to ALL elite trainers. 

You can direct your questions to me. I am linked up with other Beachbody coaches and their teams and Challenge groups, so we can find solution for you.


It is important to continue exercise and do workout routines during detox week. This will stimulate more blood flow and help you cleanse your body, push out more toxins and feel energized. What you want to do, however, is to take it easy and slow down....


I recommend to all our clients to slow down hard and intense workouts during detox week and replace them with moderate to easy routines like yoga, stretch, light jogging etc. 

Reason for this is simple, you don't have enough protein to make your hard workouts beneficial. Also, unless you are big fan of PALEO diet, you main source of energy would be sweets and sugar. So cutting these out would immediately impact your energy levels and slow down your activity. Its normal to feel that for first couple days, though some people would feel these for more. As for protein, cutting this out for a week or more, would impact your ability to reconstruct muscles tissue damaged after heavy weights lifting or intense cardio with weights. You might be OK on day one, but without proper recovery options, your body will eventually let you know to slow down or even stop, as continuation will do more damage than good.

What I have for you is a set of easy to do routines, which will allow you to stay in the game but with just enough muscles stress to keep you in the loop. Main benefit of this is increased blood flow, which will help you cleanse properly and thoroughly. If you new to the fitness - this is a nice place to start.

Just make sure you are following the diet plan for your DETOX program and drink a lot of water during the day. Drinking water during your workouts is OK as you have to stay hydrated, but don't drink a lot, just a bit here and there...

I offer these 5 day routines free. They are on average of 25-30 mins.

I would love to follow up with you on these exercises, so would ask you to provide your email by completing the form below. Put "5 DAYS DETOX WORKOUTS" into Subject line.