It is important to continue exercise and do workout routines during detox week. This will stimulate more blood flow and help you cleanse your body, push out more toxins and feel energized. What you want to do, however, is to take it easy and slow down....


I recommend to all our clients to slow down hard and intense workouts during detox week and replace them with moderate to easy routines like yoga, stretch, light jogging etc. 

Reason for this is simple, you don't have enough protein to make your hard workouts beneficial. Also, unless you are big fan of PALEO diet, you main source of energy would be sweets and sugar. So cutting these out would immediately impact your energy levels and slow down your activity. Its normal to feel that for first couple days, though some people would feel these for more. As for protein, cutting this out for a week or more, would impact your ability to reconstruct muscles tissue damaged after heavy weights lifting or intense cardio with weights. You might be OK on day one, but without proper recovery options, your body will eventually let you know to slow down or even stop, as continuation will do more damage than good.

What I have for you is a set of easy to do routines, which will allow you to stay in the game but with just enough muscles stress to keep you in the loop. Main benefit of this is increased blood flow, which will help you cleanse properly and thoroughly. If you new to the fitness - this is a nice place to start.

Just make sure you are following the diet plan for your DETOX program and drink a lot of water during the day. Drinking water during your workouts is OK as you have to stay hydrated, but don't drink a lot, just a bit here and there...

I offer these 5 day routines free. They are on average of 25-30 mins.

I would love to follow up with you on these exercises, so would ask you to provide your email by completing the form below. Put "5 DAYS DETOX WORKOUTS" into Subject line.